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A web application for small ... and not so small companies

Cavaliba is a small web application to send one-click notifications to users when outage, maintenance, crisis or some important situations arise in a company or accross a customer base. It supports predefined templates, various channels. It handles the computation of recippient for large organizations.

More important, Cavaliba is built around a shared Data Model and provide powerfull data management features for Inventories, CMDB or various Assset Management.

It comes with battery included like Responsive UI, full REST API, SAML/OIDC Federated Identity, CLI command to load/export datasets, and more. It is fast. Is is extensible. It is free and Open Source with BSD-3 Clause permissive license.


Notify your users in various situation (outage, change, important notice, …).

Data Model

Design and maintain a description of your activities and assets such as Sites, Customers, IT Systems, Project Portfolio and any Assets you can provide a design for.

Objects IN/OUT

Modify your Data Model. Manage your objects with responsive Web UI, REST API, imports/exports. Use Pipeline to import/transform/export, Dataviews to filter, transform and display clean subsets.

Users and permisisons

Integrate with OIDC/SAML. Manage Organization, RBAC and granular permissions. Tested with more than 40000 users.

Large datasets

Tested with more than 500 000 objects per Data Model.


Cavaliba is fast. With large datasets and complex data models, UI response time is immediate even on small virtual machines or modest container platform.

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Free & Open Source

BSD permissive 3-clause LICENSE