DATA - Class/Schema
DataClass are top-level asset families : Devices, Applications, Laptops, Projects, Customers, Books, Facilities, Cooking Receipes, Invoices, etc.
Schemas describes fields/attributes for each DataClass. Schema can be modified at any time during the life of the system: add or remove fields, change constraints.
Field types can be basic : string, int, float, boolean, date, IP addresses, … or more complex structure : other objects, enumetate (static) lists, users and groups, computed fields, etc. Fields can be single or multi-valued.
Instances are individual assets.
Instances have relationships : a geographical sites is located in a region or country. A virtual machine is hosted on a physical server, etc.
JSON/YAML - Datamodels (Class and Schema) are best configured with JSON/YAML files uploaded to Cavaliba from UI, API or CLI command, with appropriate permissions.
Cavaliba Data Management dynamicaly provides :
- a Responsive Web UI for humans : create, view, edit assets
- a REST API for machines: same operations, single instance/field level, or massive bulk transfer
- a CLI command to import/export in batch from/to external systems
- a relationship framework, including inheritance / propagation of fields and objects between Instances
- a Role/Permission model to handle authorization at Class/Instance/Field level
- a Data storage at scale on standard relationnal databases (PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, …) with an Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) dynamic datamodel.
Global Fields for all DataClass
All DataClass share a small number of mandatory fields.
keyname - primarykey - unique name of the DataClass ; no special chars ; must be unique
displayname - a short string for humans
page - string, page name in the Web UI displaying the list of available DataClasses
order - int, display order in the Web UI
icon - string, name of a FontAwsome Icon to display in UI
handle_method - method to create a unique HTML friendly primary key for instances
permissions… - a set of permissions to control authorizations on instances
Schema Fields
Each DataClass Schema can have zero or more custom fields. These fields can be single-valued or multi-valued. They have a type from one of the available field types below.
Field name must be a valid slug string (unique, no special chararcter) within the DataClass schema.
Available field types:
- string
- int
- float
- date
- datetime
- time
- boolean
- ipv4
- text
- enumerate (static lists)
- schema (other DataClass)
- user group
- user
YAML Example
This simple example create a DataClass to manage user Laptops.
# Asset = User Laptops
- classname: _schema
keyname: laptop
displayname: User Laptops
is_enabled: yes
icon: fa-laptop
order: 200
page: Data
handle_method: md5
displayname: serial_number
page: General
order: 100
dataformat: string
displayname: hostname
page: General
order: 110
dataformat: string
displayname: Operating System
page: General
order: 120
dataformat: enumerate
dataformat_ext: enumerate_os
displayname: Site
dataformat: schema
dataformat_ext: site
order: 130
page: General
cardinal_min: 0
cardinal_max: 1
displayname: User
dataformat: user
order: 140
page: General
cardinal_min: 0
cardinal_max: 0
displayname: Purchase date
dataformat: date
displayname: Waranty end date
dataformat: date
displayname: Bitlocker
page: Security
order: 500
dataformat: boolean
YAML Reference
- classname: _schema
_action: create/delete/update/enable/disable
keyname: string
displayname: string
is_enabled: boolean
handle_method: [keyname|uuid|external|md5]
icon: icon_name
order: int
page: string
_action: create/delete/update/enable/disable
displayname: string
dataformat: fieldtype
dataformat_ext: extended_fieldtype
cardinal_min: int
cardinal_max: int
default : string