Data Model
SIRENE maintains a description of an organzitaion (or supplier/customers model) based on :
- users ; with roles
- groups (of users) also named usergroups
- sites (as in geography)
- site_groups : group of sites, geographical or sharing a common property
- apps : applications and services, hosted by one site, used by one or more site
- predefined public pages
- predefind message templates
- categories (of messages)
- severity (color / visual effect)
- scopes define group of people who reveive notification ; scopes are expressed as groups, sites, apps, etc.
USERS -- have role --> ROLE contact, users, operators or Sirene admins
-- is a scope --> SCOPE (user:unsername)
USER GROUPS -- have 0 or more --> USERS
-- is a scope --> SCOPE (group:groupname)
SITES -- have --> SCOPES (notify_to)
SITES -- has / host --> APPS
SITES -- can define users -> USERS (defined directly in SITES)
SITES -- use external --> APPS (notify_apps)
-- is a scope --> SCOPE (site:sitename)
SITE GROUPS -- have 0 or more ---> SITE
-- have notify_to ---> SCOPES
-- is a scope ---> SCOPE (sitegroup:sgname)
APP -- is hosted in ---> SITE
-- have scope ---> SCOPES (notify_to)
-- is a scope ---> SCOPE (app:appname)
-- has scopes ---> SCOPES (notify_to)
-- has public page > PUBLIC PAGE