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When a new message is created, SIRENE computes which users and contacts should be notified, and how.

By Public page

A public page is displayed if the message requires tha a public page is displayed.

By Private Page (for all)

A private notification is available in SIRENE if the messages requires tha a "private page" entry is created. It is available to all users who can sign-in to SIRENE.

By Private Page (indivdual)

If a message doesn't require a private page, all notifications to users by others channels (email, sms) are available in the individuel private message section of SIRENE for the user.

At any time a user can access in SIRENE to his notifications, active or removed to the archive (History).


A user receives an email if :

  • the message requires emails notifications
  • the user belongs to one or more scopes (groups, targets) for the message
  • the user has a valid email configured in his profile

Each user receives an email only once even if he belongs to several scopes.


A user receives an SMS if :

  • the message requires SMS notifications
  • the user belongs to one or more scopes (tagets, groups) for the message
  • the user has a valid mobile phone number configured in his profile

Each user receives an SMS only once even if he belongs to several scopes.

Notification for a specific user

Individual users can be added to the scopes of a new message.

Notification for a Group of User (group, usergroup)

A group has users. A group doesn't contain other groups or sub-groups.

Each user of the group is notified.

A message for the user group named "HR_team" is sent 
to all members of the HR users group.

Notification for a Site (site)

A site is configured with scopes in his 'notify_to' attribute.

A Notification for a Site is sent to each users of each scope of the site.

Simply said, the notification is sent to the people 'connected' to the Site.

Notification for a Group of Sites (sitegroup)

A Notification for a SiteGroup is sent :

  • to each user of each scope of the notify_to attibute of the sitegroup.
  • to each user of each scope of each site of the sitegroup

Simply said, the notification is sent to the people 'connected' to the SiteGroup and to the people of each Site in the SiteGroup.

Notification to an appplication (apps)

A notification for an application is sent :

  • to each user of each scope of the notify_to attributeof the app.
  • to each user of each scope of each Site having the app in their notify_apps attribute.

Simply said, the notification is sent to the people attached to the app, and to the sites which declare using the app.