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CMT used in command-line mode (CLI)

If cmt is deployed as a binary (recommended):

$ cmt $ cmt -s # standard checks, short output $ sudo cmt -s # to include checks requesting elevated privileges

If cmt is deployed as python source files :

$ python3 /my/dir/to/


$ cmt --help

usage: [-h] [--cron] [--report] [--pager] [--persist] [--conf CONF]
              [--listmodules] [--available] [--pagertest]
              [--no-pager-rate-limit] [--checkconfig] [--version] [--debug]
              [--debug2] [--devmode] [--short] [--check CHECK]
              [modules [modules ...]]

CMT - Cavaliba Monitoring

positional arguments:
  modules               modules to check

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cron                equiv to report, alert, persist, short output
  --report              send events to Metrology servers
  --pager               send alerts to Pagers
  --persist             persist data accross CMT runs (use in cron)
  --conf CONF           specify alternate yaml config file
  --listmodules         display available modules
  --available           display available entries found for modules (manual
                        run on target)
  --pagertest           send test message to teams and exit
                        disable pager rate limit
  --checkconfig         checkconfig and exit
  --version, -v         display current version
  --debug               verbose/debug output
  --debug2              more debug
  --devmode             dev mode, no pager, no remote metrology
  --short, -s           short compact cli output
  --check CHECK         check name for single check run

Full run, short output (-s)

$ ./ -s

CMT - Version 1.0.0 - (c) - 2020/11/29
2020/11/29 - 15:59:08 : Starting ...
cmt_group      :  cavaliba
cmt_node       :  vmxupm

Short output

OK      load       1/5/15 min : 0.44  0.46  0.53
OK      cpu        usage : 10.8 %
OK      memory     used 85.2 % - used 2.0 GB - avail 406.8 MB - total 2.7 GB
OK      boottime   days since last reboot : 0 days - 23:35:57 sec.
OK      swap       used: 13.9 % /  297.4 MB - total 2.1 GB
OK      disk       path : / - used: 32.4 % - used: 20.7 GB - free: 43.2 GB - total: 67.4 GB 
OK      disk       path : /boot - used: 32.4 % - used: 20.7 GB - free: 43.2 GB - total: 67.4 GB 
OK      url - [Host: ] - http=200 - 103 ms ; pattern OK
NOK     url        www_non_existing - http://www.nonexisting/ [Host: ] - no response to query
OK      mount      path / found
NOTICE  mount      path /mnt not found
NOK     process    redis missing (redis)
NOK     process    apache missing (httpd)
OK      process    cron found (cron) - memory rss 2.9 MB - cpu 0.04 sec.
OK      process    ssh found (sshd) - memory rss 3.9 MB - cpu 0.05 sec.
NOK     process    ntp missing (ntpd)
OK      process    mysql found (mysqld) - memory rss 56.3 MB - cpu 20.83 sec.
NOK     process    php-fpm missing (php-fpm)
OK      ping ok
OK      ping       localhost ok
OK      ping ok
WARN    ping not responding
WARN    ping not responding
NOK     folder     /tmp : expected file not found (secret.pdf)
NOK     folder     /missing missing
NOTICE  mount      path /merge not found
OK      url - [Host: ] - http=200 - 181 ms ; pattern OK

Notification Summary

mount           : path /mnt not found
mount           : path /merge not found

ping            : not responding
ping            : not responding

url             : www_non_existing - http://www.nonexisting/ [Host: ] - no response to query
process         : redis missing (redis)
process         : apache missing (httpd)
process         : ntp missing (ntpd)
process         : php-fpm missing (php-fpm)
folder          : /tmp : expected file not found (secret.pdf)
folder          : /missing missing

2020/11/29 - 15:59:12 : Done.

Limit to some module

$ ./ process load memory

Limit to a specific check

$ ./ --check mycheckname

Send reports to metrology (force in CLI mode)

$ cmt --report

devmode (output reports to terminal - no real report send to metrology)

$ cmt -s --report --devmode